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The Game is about Selina the space hunter inspired by Samus Aran ofc.

She is in a simulation and tries to break free!!

I made this short mabye unpolished game for the Brackeys Game Jam. Note: first time doing a Project!!

I am planning on making this a big series, but for the game quality I need time and experience which I believe I can achieve!!

It's 100% SFW and I recommend it for Windows x86 and 64 Bits.

I did the assets however, the three music aren't mine.


Interstellar by Relaxation Ambient Music

Portal by Gravity Sound

The 3rd one I somehow don't find it anymore, but it's called UnderWorld.

Thanks for playing the game and I had alot of fun and gained lot of knowledge, like Brackeys said we will have!!

Thanks again to everyone who played it.

Give me a HONEST review since I would like to improve  my game alot!!


SELINA, Wake Up.exe 93 MB

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